The 2nd Prize Winner for Pertandingan Andaman Malaysia Edisi Ke-14, 2010, Ekyn's love for makeup started when she discovered the Youtube makeup community. From there, she was inspired to follow her passion and braved herself to start her own Youtube channel, sharing her knowledge and creativity with other girls from all around the world.
Started as a passion, her journey as a professional makeup artist launched as she entered a makeup academy ealier in 2010, after she graduated from college with a Degree in Architecture. Ekyn is fortunate enough to be trained by one of the top professional makeup artist in Malaysia, Nurul Shukor.
Ekyn sees makeup as a form of art that requires natural talents and techniques that are perfected through time and experience. With knowledge in arts obtained as an Architecture student, and the techniques she acquired in the academy and from experiences, Ekyn continues to develop a diverse and expansive range of knowledge and skills within many different fields of the beauty industry.
Thorough her experiences, Ekyn has developed a passion for the keen eye on details and creative insight required to master many style of makeup and artistry and understands the importance of using quality tools and products to achieve the perfect look.
If you would like to have your makeup done by Ekyn, feel free to contact the following details.
Your beauty is perfected.
Your beauty is perfected.
Your satisfaction is guaranteed.